In early March, we held our annual business meeting—this year via webinar. Thank you to all the BELS members who listened in and our Executive Council members who shared the work of their committees on the call. For those of you who missed it, you’re in luck: we’ve posted the recording for your listening pleasure (member log-in required).
If you’re curious about the inner workings of BELS, our discussion includes:
- our financial report and long-term financial planning
- new membership benefits
- upcoming exams
- our need for proctors (in North America and internationally)
- the election for President Elect (congratulations Kristina Wasson-Blader!)
- why to go for your ELS(D)
We’re always looking to engage our members. If you want to get more involved in BELS, feel free to reach out to our Executive Council. This year, our big push is around membership and marketing—so if you have those skills, don’t be a stranger.
Also, as mentioned above, we always need proctors and are always looking for folks that view BELS as a significant contributor to the field of life science editing. If you’re a true believer, we’d love to hear from you.
Give the meeting a listen and let us know what ideas our discussion inspires in you. Thanks so much for continuing to support BELS!