Learning Resources


Professional development through education is a core component of ELS certification maintenance. Education should comprise at least 25 (but no more than 40) of the 50 credits per 5-year maintenance period. Many associations, educational institutions, and other organizations offer activities that can be used to earn credits in this category. However, to be eligible for certification maintenance, the educational activity should relate directly or be relevant to the work of editing in the life sciences. Eligible activities include attending educational activities and sessions on a variety of topics such as software tutorials, internet tools or resources, editorial ethics resources, style guides, publication best practices, education in particular scientific topics including state-of-the-art reviews, and more.

Below is a list of suggested sources that satisfy the criteria for professional development through education. This list is not meant to be exhaustive, nor are these preferred or recommended options. The sources below are suggestions only, and the list will be augmented and revised over time. For questions regarding the eligibility of an activity or other resource, or to make recommendations, please contact [email protected].

Professional Associations

Professional editorial associations around the world offer many options for professional development, from online and self-paced courses to webinars on specific topics.

Other Sources

Continuing Education Programs in Editing

Many educational institutions offer continuing education in editing and publishing. Check the courses on offer through the many certificate programs to see if one or more fits your needs.