Which of these do you think is most important for officials to use in communicating about a public health emergency?

Which of these do you think is most important for officials to use in communicating about a public health emergency?
Use plain language that people understand
32  47.1%
Have a consistent message
24  35.3%
Explain the risk of different patient conditions and actions
5  7.4%
Have conversations with community members and/or journalists
3  4.4%
Tell people what to do to avoid disease
2  2.9%
Use graphics such as photos, video, graphs, and maps
2  2.9%
Have patients and health care workers tell their stories
0  0%

Number of Voters  :  68
First Vote  :  Tuesday, January 04, 2022 12:26 PM
Last Vote  :  Tuesday, February 01, 2022 01:29 PM